The very first thing you must decide is how much you will spend on getting your own website. Some businesses spend very much, and some spend very little (as you will see in a short while). So keep in mind your budget as you read through these steps. As you will see, there are many different options you can choose from when it comes to getting your own website.
Follow each step in the order that they appear and by the time you get to the end of this page, you will have your own website to promote your business or to market your products (whatever the function of it may be). The completion of all of the steps will take a considerable amount of time. You can not complete them all in one visit to this page. Therefore you must bookmark this page so you can come back and complete all of the steps. NOTE: Please BOOKMARK this page so you can come back and finish all of the steps!
You will need to get a domain name first. Your domain name should identify your company or products, and it should be easy for people to remember. Once a domain name is taken, you can not get it so you must hurry and register your's now! It is a very easy thing to do. Just type in the name you would like to have in the box below and click the "Go!" button. The search will determine if the domain name you want is already taken or not. If it is taken, try again with a different name you would like to have. Once you find one that is not taken, you may purchase it.
Once you have your own domain name, you may proceed to step two.
Next, you must decide where you want to host your website. Your "host" is the server that will store your webpages and all of the files (graphics, etc.) used on your webpages. It will provide the space you need to store your site files. You must have a host because you must have somewhere to put your website. Below are some hosting options, the benefits of each, and the price of each.
Virtual Server <-- recommended option
Free Hosting
Make sure you have chosen a host before proceeding to step three.
Now you have somewhere to host your site and you have your own domain name. You must now focus on the design of your web pages. There is much involved in the designing of web pages, so you must decide whether you want to design them yourself or if you want to pay someone to design them for you. Most businesses do not have the time to spend worrying about the design of their webpages, so they hire people to do it for them. It does not cost too much to have them designed professionally, so that is what I recommend. To aid you in making your decision, click here to see the advantages and disadvantages of both (designing your web pages yourself or having them designed professionally). The preceeding link will bring you to the page that has the neccessary info and links for completeing step three. Once you have completed step three, you may proceed to step four.
Now that you have a host, your own domain name, and have your pages up, you need to promote your site effectively. You must promote your site in order for it to be a successful one. Without promotion there will be no visitors, and without visitors your site will be useless. So, now's the time to learn good promotion. For this task there is no better tool than The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet. The author of the system, Corey Rudl gets over 2 million visitors to his websites yearly, does 2.6 million dollars in sales online each year (yes, that is $2,600,000), and personally makes hundreds of thousands of dollars from his online businesses... all from his one small office. So listen to what he has to say as he knows what he is talking about when it comes to starting and promoting a business on the Internet. He reveals all his unconventional tips, trick and techniques with examples so you can learn most efficient and fastest way to make money on the Internet.
I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend that you order it. Even if you don't think you will, atleast click the link above and read more about it. You can not afford NOT to order the system! Once you have completed step four, please proceed to step five
Ok now you have everything right? Wrong! If you are selling something from your website, you need a merchant account. What a merchant account does is it lets your visitors order your products from your website quickly and securely using a credit card. This one thing will increase your sales dramatically! By offering the convenience of credit cards, merchants can increase their sales by a proven 400%!.
Once you have completed step five...
You have completed all of the steps! Haven't you? Please make sure you have all of the essentials taken care of and have used The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet and you're site will be a great success!